Muslim Education Foundation (MEF) , a Non Government Organisation, was established in the year 2010 for noble cause to promote education among the economically weaker strata of society in general and the Muslim community in particular. Its aim is to nurture the intrinsic talents contained in the youths who have career ambitions and professional dreams but are helpless to realize their goals for want of proper avenues and accessibility to available resources.Our endeavour is to sensitize the Community about the importance of education and
Muslim Education Foundation (MEF), a Non-Government Organization, was established in the year 2010 for the noble cause to promote education
Get In TouchMEF organized counseling programme for students of government
Read MoreMuslim Education Foundation (MEF) , a Non Government Organisation, was
MEF entered into in agreement with department of Sarv Sikhsha Abhiyan, Govt. of Rajasthan, SAPNA, an NGO for adoption of Mewat Balika.
MEF entered into in agreement with department of Sarv Sikhsha Abhiyan, Govt. of Rajasthan, SAPNA, an NGO for adoption of Mewat Balika.
Muslim Education Foundation (MEF) , a Non Government Organisation, was established in the year 2010 for noble cause to promote education.
Muslim Education Foundation (MEF) , a Non Government Organisation, was established in the year 2010 for noble cause to promote education.
Muslim Education Foundation (MEF) , a Non Government Organisation, was established in the year 2010 for noble cause to promote education.
Muslim Education Foundation (MEF) , a Non Government Organisation, was established in the year 2010 for noble cause to promote education.